There’s lots to love about cooking, but after a long night of chopping, stirring, plating, and doing the dishes, it’s all too tempting to just toss your cookware …
Can You Boil Oven-Ready Lasagna Noodles?
If you bought oven-ready lasagna noodles by mistake when you’re not, in fact, planning on using them in an oven, don’t beat yourself up about it- it happens …
Declutter Your Kitchen, Declutter Your Life
I’m a firm believer in the saying that physical clutter creates mental clutter. When my environment is cluttered, messy, or disorganized – I just feel off. My kitchen …
Can You Freeze Croissants?
You did it – you pulled off a daytime-movie-worthy breakfast spread with a little something for everyone. Piles of bacon, mountains of scrambled eggs, and more croissants than …
Meatloaf Pans: Are They Worth It? What Can I Use Instead?
(Confession time) My kitchen is full of tools, gadgets, and thingamabobs… but there’s one specialty tool my arsenal lacks: a meatloaf pan. To be clear, this isn’t because they …
Cast Iron vs. Stainless Steel
Cast iron and stainless steel have been my go-to options since I ditched nonstick pans over a decade ago. Both have their own ways they shine (you can’t …
Can You Freeze Rotisserie Chicken?
I accidentally discovered a kitchen hack that has literally changed my life – and I’m not exaggerating at all. Freezing rotisserie chicken. We meander though Costco at least …
Carbon Steel vs Stainless Steel Pans
Maybe I’m alone in this, but the first time I was shopping for cookware and heard about “blue steel”, I thought someone was making a Zoolander reference. (PS …
Is Pyrex Microwave Safe? Everything You Need To Know
I love cooking (obviously), but spending Christmas morning chopping and stirring just didn’t sound appealing to me this year. So the other day, my friend was over to …
The Best Oils for Seasoning Cast Iron
It’s Christmas morning, and your spouse hands you a heavy gift wrapped in bright, festive paper (and way too much tape). You tear it open in anticipation and, …
Can Stainless Steel Go in the Oven? Everything You Should Know
The other day, I made a fateful kitchen error: I jumped right into a recipe before I read the whole thing from start to finish. Specifically, I was …